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The Coalition of Asian-American IPA (CAIPA) and  The  Medical Society of the County of Queens joined together for an important event – VETO the Wrongful Death Bill" Press Conference held on Thurs., 9/21/2023 at 2 pm

The press conference was well attended…

Highlighted in today’s Epoch Times, "Charles Lopresto, president of the Queens Medical Association, said that after the governor vetoed the previous version of the legislation, the state Legislature failed to evaluate many concerns and passed a similar version of the current version, which still contains the most troublesome language - allowing medical malpractice and wrongful death lawsuits to include non- Economic losses, including emotional distress. He respects the right of families affected by horrific medical malpractice to sue, but this legislation is bad for doctors, patients, small businesses, or health care as a whole."